Chalet School


SBC Short Break Consultation

Short Breaks Consultation 2023

Swindon Borough Council is reviewing their short break services for children and young people aged 0 to 18th birthday who are Swindon residents and have a disability as defined by the Equality Act 2010.  Every Local Authority is required to publish a Short Breaks Statement that sets out the range of short breaks available and explains who can access short breaks and how.  This Short Breaks Statement must be reviewed on a regular basis.  Their last short breaks review in 2021 identified that a further comprehensive review of our Short Breaks Statement was needed – a full review and potential re-design of every element of the what, who and how of short breaks in Swindon.  They have worked with Swindon SEND Families Voice (their parent carer forum) and STEP (their disabled children and young people’s forum) to gain an initial picture of what is working well or otherwise.  Together they have developed some big ideas, which form a major part of this consultation.

They are seeking the views of parents and carers of disabled children or young people.  We want to understand the impact proposed changes will have on families before decisions are made.  They will take all views expressed in this consultation into account when looking at how we change and develop our Short Breaks Statement. 

The consultation and response form are available here:

Alongside Swindon SEND Families Voice, they will also be hosting an online focus group for parents and carers as part of the consultation (dates to be confirmed shortly).  We will consult with children and young people through focus groups in specialist schools and short breaks provisions during September and October 2023.  If you are a professional or provider with a view, please email  They welcome fresh ideas on what could be done differently to help them continue to improve disabled children and young people's lives in Swindon.

The consultation goes live on 5th September 2023 and will remain open for 6 weeks until 17th October 2023.